Monday, March 12, 2007

Psi Wheel

As of lately a boy has befriend me. It was quite random, we started talking about a month ago. He was no stranger, we have been in conversation before. But like everything else, there is a side which we do not see. I shrugged him out like he was another zombied teenager. In a way, it all worked out to this exact point. He has wished I do not speak of these things to other people. But they are a part of me just as much as him, so it is very important I write the words down but leave him as a non existing organism. The conversation began,' your loss is everyone's loss'. My mind was quickly reorganizing the information into how I would percieve the words previously mentioned. My actions affect things closest to me. The first lesson was truly learnt. I found this repulsive and ordered where the source of such thoughts and words could have come from. I was silly to say, it was definately no secret. The conversations progressed, and my trust was slowly growing stronger. Information was transfered, a connection was established.

The psyche.
Many days later, a conversation was brought up about the psyche and was it is. If it is believable or myth. A date was in mind. One night he was in the same room as me. My own room that is. Conversations arose, and drawings were drawn. Psi wheels moved. And to the both of us, our beliefs grew stronger. We had accomplished what we had set out to do. Use our minds to move objects in the physical world. A task almost everyone has doubted. This action gave me so many ideas. Ideas on how the world worked, now and before. How people had used this secret before. The secret of faith. It applied to all religions. Faith. To believe in something truly, will give you a positive outcome. Do not doubt, but have faith in the outcome. It explained how large numbers of people and their faith could do the unthinkable. Because they believed. Wether it be in god, or buddha, or yourself. When you believe you will never be saddened by what the universe throws back at you. We were amazed. So amazed.

Books were swaped, pictures were taken. He left and I had been dubbed with a disease. This morning I went to Emergency to find out I had influenza. Hurrah! Dear god, I don't think I've ever actually had the 'flu' before, because I thought I was dying this morning. Well I get the week off work before I go to Vancouver so it's alright, time to relax I suppose. He is coming over tomorrow night again I think. To practice our mind powers and smoke numerous cigarettes. It will be an evening I look forward to.