Imagine an experiement done, at a certain place, with certain subjects and certain purpose. Space and time, are space and time, as any place in space-time is relative to another because the subjects all preform in units of Space-Time. So the experiement or event can take place in any area of space-time, because that is what it is seemingly contained by. That: "the certain materials be used, in this certain amount of time" leads us to believe that these ailments are shaping the energies around them. Imagine a hot cup of tea, steaming; it is shaping the air around it through heat waves, bursting with energized molecules. Imagine the tea 20 minutes later. No doubt by now, most of the heat has moved from the cup and the tea is chilly. We can observe a change in temperature over space-time. So it changed space and time for 20 minutes, that qualifies as time but no space. What does that mean? Well, if it was able to move through space, it would hold a conscious of it's own to direct it as such. Unfortunately this cup has been neglected for 20 minutes and if it had the will to move and go make use of it's life, then maybe it would have; cups are cups though, and unless it had it's own learning capabilities like humans do currently, it would not pierce through space; it is inertiatic.
Would you rather "God" be the observer?
Well this has explained two things, what curves space and what curves time. It is basically physical, 3d matter. We have observed this. How do we know this? We witnessed it through 'seeing' or 'perceiving' or 'imagining' using our eyes or inner perceiving device. We can associate this with an eye. So this concludes that as humans, we are the observers of this experiement, yes? This means we have ultimate power over which and when direction we want to experience, not to mention where, why and how space-time can be experience. We are intellectual, imprints of exterior superiority; we are illuminated by the stars and planets; they distort our deepest selves in distinctive ways due to their gravities and frequencies. Our deepest selves are who we are, personally, as individual persons. This is what we believe, know and antipate as observers, our hypothesis.
We behold the gift of Stardust
This leads us to believe that as willfull, wishful humans, that we are the ones to curve space-time. We do it everyday, through the things we do and thoughts we have. Every word we speak shapes space-time too. The energies we choose to distort will always have a reflection off of another conscious being.