Today was yesterday combined. The unnamed one came over once again, only around later afternoon yesterday. Cigarettes were smoked; chainsmokers. We let our own stories unfold, our hopes and dreams, all that was and is was brought aware. Images were drawn and our aura's were let into presence. John and Yoko were repeated throughout the night, over and over, sometimes Beethoven and AC/DC. Time did not exist, and would not for sometime. There was a point, we did fall into a lapse of the unconscious and was it then that I realized this was amazing. We awoke in the morning, he constructed a breakfast of jam and cheese on toasted bread. It was 'god sent' as he put it. God sent. As the day progressed we made our way down town, to Read's Books, where I stole him a pack of Tarot cards, haha you would have needed to see his face. It was like a small child at Christmas time. He said it was a happy moment. We continued down town to the Public Library were we had planned to injest some mushrooms. Although, these were no ordinary mushrooms, and I'm sure you can guess. Magic Mushrooms. Yes. Magic. Haha. More like food poisoning but we'll keep it sacred. We had also decided to rid the Library of some of their more intellectual books for his sake. It was fun. And funny! and you can imagine why I guess haha. He was filled with books, head to toe, or as full as one can be with books. Haha. The trip had begun and it had not even been an hour after ingestion. Everything was good, everything was funny. Or perhaps it actually was funny and not just our perception at the time. We left the place and decided to catch the bus to his place of hommage which was fine with me. The bus, oh the bus, is where it began. We laid in the back, or I did atleast and gazed up at the ceiling. Tiny specks of color continued forming lines across it into different patterns, until atlast... a pattern of continious geckos. Lizards. The lizard king. He said he always sees them while on a trip from Mushrooms. He didn't this time, but I did. We rode the bus for about an hour, and got off at his house. I peered inside to find it a mysterious place. Colors of every here and there. The floor moved everytime I looked away, so I had to look back. It was on going, and kept me puzzled. I found the ceiling most interesting, and there laid my focus for the rest of my trip until we headed down to his room. We talked and drew more images. My mushroom trip wasn't as intense as I thought it could be, but there are other times, and this time was amazing.