Phasing through to my career life; I am getting a raise, and take heed! I'm not quitting. I dislike that about my job though, somehow I'm always driven back. Even though I swore on my life this was it. I had had it, enough was enough... enough is never enough when money's involved I suppose. But the new guy at work's not too underdeveloped. Alas! A co-worker has a mind! Thank god, I think he saved me from making a mistake without even knowing it. Well I look forward to the next few months working next to him. Nothing romantic ofcourse, he's intimately connected already and that would be strange.
Onto the next aspect of my life... interests? My hobbies... guitar I have forsaken you. Please forgive me. I haven't the time, nor the interest at the moment and it's leaving me feel horrid. Something I once loved so now hardly exists in my everyday life. It's just a phase... and I'm waiting for it to be over... yeah.
Moving on to myself as a person, I would have to agree my ego is boosting with my delightfully awesome hairdoo. Baby dreads, you are imperfect but with time you will grow to be even and calm. I hung out with my friend today, we chatted about life for several hours around town smoking cigarettes. I always love hanging out with him. It gives me hope for the individuality of humans and how society's only molded the minds of the youth. Sad sad sad lives they are living. Living in fear of being emotionally abused by the majority. It's a free country I hear, that's freedom of expression, speech and individuality. But then, respectfully, everyone is free to voice their opinion to anyone at anytime about anything.
Looking over my past blogs, I've noticed a decline in thought and writing. Maybe the death of my rat irritated me so much I hadn't noticed I was affected that much. That's the only real event that I could think of... well I feel a lot more 'writier'... maybe I'll begin writing regularly once again> I would love that. My mind's a bit blank right now, so I think I ought to post this. Maybe I'll add a bit more later.