Vancouver; Vansterdam. Here I am. I am here. Am I here? Here am I. The bus ride was horrifying, actually it was quite nice. I am going to fight to bring my guitar on board though I think.... well maybe not. Perhaps I can just write and think more than play since I have been doing so much of that on the streets. My fingers have began bleeding. Most interesting, yet unkind, but I suppose that is what happens after a couple hours. I made nearly 6 dollars yesterday, two locations; One was on a bench outside a tiny bakery; the other was on a ferris boat, and that was were I made a majority of the cash. The young hockey playing boys were kind enough to show so interest. We also talked a bit about their musical history. I try to persuay them to make a band and get famous. Everyone should think about that once in a while, haha.
But... the streets of Vancouver. Boy... where do I begin? I saw many people sitting around, without any food, or money or a home even. They just sat there, with a hat open and a few nickels were there in it's company. One woman startled me as she appeared to be moving from one person to the next, then in my turn yelling ',Good bye!!! See you laterorororororor". Another man stood out from me, he seemed not so old, around 45 years old. My father's age even. Slightly scruffed, and enough close to keep in warm in the weather. He sat there by the bus stop bending the neck of a guitar since the trust rod had not been built into it before. This causes the neck to bend now and then, warp. He seemed frustrated in tuning the beast. So I kindly played my G string for him, maybe I should of even tuned it for him, poor guy. Still I was wondering where he might have gone wrong to end up the way he was. Was he homeless? First that was my question, Was he a druggy? Maybe he was. He seemed quite calm about life, not too high on it. Where was his family? did he have one? Or his parents, how old are they? So many questions, the kind of questions you just want to know because it could be a memorable choice, to ask someone these questions at one point in your life. Especially if you might be a materialistic preppy slob or somewhat of that area. Then it could be a little bit easier for one to understand a little bit more about the person on that street at that time you are walking off to your next cappiccinno. 
1 comment:
Ohhh man Im jeleous of you. You're basically going to be one of the most talked about guitar players someday. Seems cool though doesnt it. Being able to earn money doing something you enjoy so much... without being a whore. Fantastic. You have to play at The Willow. I shall come watch!
Ciao Stef
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