It has been said through the ages and years of the last milenia of this Earth, that the nutorious Maya Calendar ends on the winter solstice of 2012. This date marks the Galactic Allignment. During the Galactic Allignment the
December Solstice Sun is in allignment with the
Galactic Equator, this results from the
precession of equinoxes.
This will be when humans will come in contact with their cosmosis and be born into a Higher Self. You must first learn that self though, and learn to treat it with care and respect. Everything done on Earth reflects
the self. It's like the world of Earth is just a dream of what could be. After that you can dream to do as you please in a harmonic way. The December Solstice of 2012 marks rebirth of cosmic energies, a lead into the "5th World Age" and the 5th Dimension. The Maya called the last day of the Great Cycle, ' Creation Day'.
Blue star will appear with a big bang. The Hopi tell of the new life being created from a girl and a boy. The Hopi also say that the Liberators of our time will come from the West, with great force and no mercy,
they will drop down like rain from the sky. For there is a great suffering and great amount of lawlessness to apear in the time to come, as we shall all witness. This battle is said to rid the world of evil and wicked, and restore the Mother Earth of her illness.
Jesus spoke of this day, he also spoke of a lot of things which I may or may not mention here today. He also stated that those who believed life was to be lived humbly and poor would be granted the ability to recieve a new name in the next world, there will be
Let's just start with the name, Maya ;
awareness without pain. Who were they? Or bigger question, where did they go? They were a very natural kind, very pure and well nurturing. I can imagine the life of the Maya was very peaceful and earthy. They lived in a natural time, but I feel there was an arguement. Though the calendar was used to track cosmic time, there was the idea , perhaps, to track time on earth, and when one should do something. This idea later evolved into the time we share now, a mechanical time.
Tracking cosmic energies is one thing, but basing everything you do around the sun is another. I think it best to do things to your own natural rythm and what feels timely. Perhaps, the old ways of the Maya and the new clock ways might have interferred between peoples. Leaving only few Maya, perhaps just one tribe, to live in natural time. Because the natural-time living Maya did not give into the whole 'track our life by the sun' deal, they stayed frequent on another level, one which we have now seem to have forgotten. Now I know my references are blank at the moment, you'll just have to take my word on this. I don't remember the name of the man, but he did state, and he was a Mayan, some sort of prophet or of higher power, '
If mankind wishes to save itself from biospherical destruction, it must return to living in natural time'. And he is completely right.
Knowing the wisdom of the Maya, I think it best I move on to explain the clock. Many people believe the clock dates the 'end of the world', buuuullshit. This date marks a 'rebirth' of energies, and I'll go on further explaining that in a moment. The world will not be destroyed by nature, but by Humankind alone. I'm afraid I don't see a happy ending for the planet of Earth (that doesn't mean we shouldn't respect the Earth, we should be as kind to it as possible), but of the rising conscious, as well as bright and luminante energies, I can see a promising future. It has been said that this clock depics the 'end of time' also, since we are living in a space-time format, I believe we'll lose the 'time' and
just be.The trick to life is to take it as it comes, to remain at rest, yet fully aware at the same time. Because the more you are at 'zen' or 'balance' the closer you are to your fullest self. And by fullest self I do mean, a light being of ultimate knowledge and love. Love is very important, it's what keeps things connected, like gravity, the Earth loves us, so it keeps us here regardless of what's happened, but that is soon to change, the Earth is near rebirth and so are it's children of love and light. Love for the earth and universe around you is also very important for equilibrium of self, and ofcourse the love of the self is the most important. For before there can be a need for universial knowledge, there must be pure universial love and understanding and acceptance. And I'll go on with that in a bit.
Our spirits, energies have to be the lightest or loving, or 'holy' or whole, in order for our ascendency. We must make every effort to live in peace with man and to be whole, for without wholeness, noone will see the light. And the light is the most important thing, what I think Jesus was saying was that, we need to accept things and see the whole thing in order to accept light into the situation. It can be applied anywhere, it's a law of physics basically, once you understand what could happen , accept, and allow light on the subject it is easier to move on and create, and recreate and so on. This world is just a dream, a place where we can make mistakes and learn from them and dream of something bigger.
Does this peak the height of our species evolution? I think it does, we are to move into
Homo Luminous!
Beings of light! The time is nearing for our ascendency into our own manifest selves. It is time to move into the "heavens" and conquer elsewhere. Though the time is not here, it will be in 4 years, which must be spent carefully and made the most of in every situation to grow and feed the self with positivity, drive and potential. Also it is the time to become balanced, accepting and harmonic aswell as natural , so that you too may receive the 'manna' , SAP, sub atomic particles, cosmic rays, photons of knowledge from the sun of love. It has been stated a great cataclysm, or down fall of heavenly substances, will take place. It is also good to learn as many things on earth as possible.
The date itself brings out some kind of pattern;
12:21:2:0:12. Now if you haven't researched the sub-atomic particles like I have to the extent that these numbers MIGHT make sense, then I shall explain something common
I see in them. For instance, the
Omega particle strikes me most because it's 'strangeness, or lack of decay, is unusually high; it's name also strikes as it can be transcribed into a circlular symbol: 0/o. It's structure of subparticles forms in a triangle. It hits a 3 on the chart of strangeness, or -3 while most other particles are a 1/-1, or 2/-2. Infact... it appears to be the only particle with that rate of decay. Omega particles are in a state of equilibrium, their isospin is neutral, neither positive nor negative, but at a constant state of harmony, which therefore allows a flow of electricity or energy. So the ratio of the spin to the charge is 1:0. Or incoherently, 1=0. Since nature is numbers, and numbers are patterns, then it strikes to make sense to me that 12:21 is a mirror relexion, symbolizing the positive and negative spins counteracting eacother into a harmonizing effect. As we see 12 is a remaining number, this number is used to symbolize completion, so therefore the belief of a neutrality, aswell as a constant is present.
Between the 12:21 and remaining 12, there is the number 2 and 0, this in my theory comes to play the idea of 2 energies(negative/masculine-positive/feminen) moving together equals one whole, which in terms of the Omega particle, 0. So this is where a theory of an omega particle arises that is soon to be our structure of atoms and energy flows, where in then is also present a plasmic state and other qualities I have yet to unvail but I am pretty tired and think I should dream some more, cheers.