Also I think it makes most sense that we are one with the universe or we are all with the universe and that's why it is makes sense allah is a deity. Arm-Leg-Leg-Arm-Head. SOUND LIKE MAN OR WHAT??? We are man and hold the reason of 'god' or allah or whatever you want to call our tenth dimensional awareness of the universe. So now that we are aware the next step is to understand that we are ONE with our surroundings. I still find it hard but I'm working on ciphering my reality.
It's obvious I can't get people to stop wasting their time in believing in something other than themselves. But I can sure bitch about it and act like I'm making a slight difference or I might aswell be dead and done with because this world is fucking sad and pathetic when I actually look at the details. I'd like to blame most of the world's greatest problems on Man if I can. Let's say, for instance, high gas prices and the failure of our modern economy. One word can sum that up and it could be amiguous. Bush. Obviously it's not a tree or covering of a woman's vagina so it must be a name of a Man in the United States in which other men have elected due to his slight "mannerism".
What a bu-shit move.
So now that we have covered why the world is as terrible as it is, we can move on to a much brighter topic, oh say, Christ. I perosnally use his words and teachings as much as I can to benefit my emotional and spiritual health and of those around me. I find it sometimes difficult as jesus was a man and I am a 16 year old girl, yada yada. His real name was Yehoshua of Jerusalem. I find it sad how misunderstood he really was and that he allowed himself to die, but I suppose if he didn't then I wouldn't be having the thoughts I have now. Which leads me to believe also that everything does happen for particular reasoning and that this moment has always been meant to happen. I also find the Roman Catholic Church a huge joke as the Romans were the crucifiers of Yehoshua. HMMMMM.
So if you don't believe IN christ than I cannot do much but say okay and be on my way.
By the way, the term christ merely means one of enlightenment or illumination or of light, and for those who don't understand the connection between light and love, you may always be wandering in the dark alone.
Now that I've released some emotion thearoputically I guess it's time for a personal update.
- still really hooked on Spinal Meninjitus by Ween
- Gave my hermits their first bath today
- hung out with Psi last night
- had a nightmare about my mother's death
- getting this cast off tomorrow
- fucking pumped for Neil Young
- finished my Stalin outline
peas n luff~
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