Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Today was odd. I awoke and went to school as usual. I tried to keep the day as neutral as possible. English and Science seemed to blur into one another, but I do remember a science experiement with Smarties. At lunch I sat in the library and walked around for a while. Third block was pointless. My new friend 'Joyce' took me out of class and we talked over various subjects. After returning I decided to check out some books on 'Existentialism'. I figured it was a better way to spend my class time than sitting infront of a computer reading nothing. My last block was used as catch up in science, as I truly need it. As a result of the quick power outage, school was let out early but my mother was not where she had said to be. In a panic, I could feel my heart racing. I could feel it coming. I hate it when that happens. I've decided to call these 'episodes' panic attacks, because maybe that's what they are and it just seems better than saying 'episodes'. It felt like everything was wrong. I decided to walk to the doctors, but on the way I saw her and jumped in the van. We went to the doctors where I was questioned infinately until I stopped answering. Her final verdict was a perscription to some pills called 'Paxil'. I took a pill about two hours ago. I can hardly feel any effects, but my house does seem strange.